Jami` at-Tirmidhi, 1In-Book Reference: Book 1, Hadith 1

Ibn `Umar narrated that: 
the Prophet (ﷺ) said: "Salat will not be accepted without purification, nor Charity from Ghulul." Hannad said in his narration, "except with purification" [Abu `Eisa said: This Hadith is the most correct thing on this topic, and the best. There are also narrations on this topic from Abu Al-Malih, from his father; and Abu Hurairah and Anas. And Abu Al-Malih bin Usamah's name is `Amir, and they also say it was Zaid bin Usamah bin `Umair Al-Hudhali. 

Sahih (Darussalam)  

Jami` at-Tirmidhi, 1
In-Book Reference: Book 1, Hadith 1

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