Khalid ibn Al-Waleed

Khalid ibn Al-Waleed
“The Sword of Allah” (d. 21 A.H.) It is reported that Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said, ‘The better ones of you in the Days of Ignorance are the better ones of you in Islam when they understand (the religion).” These wise words of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)were best proved in the case of our hero today, Khalid ibn AI-Waleed. For, it was Khalid ibn AI-Waleed who managed to cause the defeat of the Muslim army at Uhud,??before his conversion to Islam. After his acceptance of the Faith,  Khalid ibn AI-Waleed was the champion of many a decisive battle in favour of Islam, such as the battle against Musaylimah the Imposter and the battle of Yarmauk against the Roman Empire’s army in Syria. In fact, the reader of history will find that Khalid ibn Al-Waleed was a military strategist and commander with very few equals in human history, a man who turned many a defeat or near defeat into glorious victories, as well shall see in the few examples we will be quoting. The first military encounter in which our hero sho…

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