Sabr – More Than Patience

Sabr – More Than Patience
For many Muslims, the term  sabr  has become synonymous with the word “patience.” However, the beauty of the Arabic language is that many Arabic words, such as  sabr ihsan taqwa , and more, have such a vast scope that there is no single word in the English language that equates to them. Focusing on the concept of  sabr , the term has a much broader meaning than patience. As Muslims we understand the importance of displaying the attribute of  sabr  in our lives. Along with being a part of one of Allah’s 99 names (Aṣ-Sabūr), Allah has commanded the believers to embody this characteristic. This is shown in the following verse from the Qur’an: “O you who believe! Seek help with patient perseverance ( sabr ) and prayer, for God is with those who patiently persevere.” (2:153) In the English language, the word “patience” is seen as a reactive word with a negative connotation, meaning that you are patient after a trial or test strikes. Some people go as far as to say that patience means sitting back and…

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1 comment

  1. Tufail
    Helpful blog