The Battle Of Trench, Madinah: Reasons, History, Facts And Learnings

The Battle Of Trench, Madinah: Reasons, History, Facts And Learnings
After the Battle of Badr and Battle of Uhud , the Muslims started to realize their increasing military strength and combat knowledge. The Muslims’ prowess in strategic planning was on display in a skirmish – the Battle of Trench. In the battle, they dug trenches in the ground to slow down the cavalry archers of the enemy.  The battle distinguishes believers from non-believers and truth from false. It took place in the fifth year of Prophet Mohammad’s (ﷺ) migration during the month of Shawwal. The battle was fought between an army of three thousand fighters led by Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and an army of ten thousand led by Abu Sufyan. The Battle of Trench is known by many other names, including the Battle of Khandaq, the Battle of Ditch, The Battle of Ahzab, and the Battle of the Confederates. The first two refer to the trenches dug by the Muslims. The latter two names resulted from the unison of other tribes with the Quraysh for one common goal, which was to eliminate Islam. In this blog, we …

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