The story of Prophet Ayyub

The story of Prophet Ayyub
Family Tree Of Prophet Ayyub Prophet Ayyub (Job) was a descendant of Prophet Ibrahim. Ayyub’s mother was the daughter of Prophet Lut and his wife was a direct descendant of Prophet Yusuf. Ayyub lived in Rome with his dear wife Rahma and fourteen children. Ayyub was a Prophet who was immensely blessed by Allah— he was strong and healthy, had large plots of land, abundant livestock, and a righteous and beautiful family; he was also a community leader who was highly respected and loved by his people. Despite his status and wealth, Ayyub was never arrogant; he was always humble, he readily helped the deprived, and constantly thanked and glorified Allah for everything he was blessed with. One day, high up in the heavens, the angels began discussing about the best of humans who lived on earth. An angel amongst them said, “The best creature on earth today is Ayyub, a man of noble character who displays great patience and always remembers his Generous Lord. He is an excellent model for the worshi…

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