
A unique example of the hospitality of the Companions that will melt the heart!

A unique example of the hospitality of the Companions that will melt the heart!
One day a man came to the Prophet (PBUH) and said: 'I am very hungry, give me something to eat. May Allah bless you.' Hazur (pbuh) sent messengers inside the house to send some food. But every wife replied: 'By the One who sent you with the truth. I have nothing but water.' Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: 'Who among you will entertain this man today?' An Ansar Sahabi stood up and said: 'O Messenger of Allah! I will host it.' Then he took the guest to his house and said to his wife: 'Do you have any food' for this guest sent by the Prophet (PBUH)?' The wife replied: 'There is nothing but food for the children to eat.' Ansari said: 'Well, you distract the children with something. If you want food at night, sleep. And when our guest When he comes to eat, he will turn off the lamp and make such noises that the guest will understand that we are also eating with him.' According to the word, they all sat together to eat. After e…

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