The Day of Arafah is one of the most significant days in Islam, known for its immense spiritual opportunities, particularly in making du’aa (supplication). As narrated by Talhah ibn ‘Ubayd ibn Kurayz in a mursal report: “The best of dua is dua on the Day of Arafah” (Muwatta’ Maalik, 500). To help you make the most of this blessed day, here are ten powerful ways to maximize the chances of your du’aa being answered on Yawm Al-Arafah.
1. Fast on the Day of Arafah
Fasting on the Day of Arafah is a highly recommended act that brings immense rewards. The Messenger of Allaah (PBUH) was asked about fasting on this day and he said: “It expiates for the past and coming years” (Muslim, 1162). Fasting, especially on this day, purifies the soul and strengthens the connection with Allah, enhancing the power of your du’aa. Additionally, it was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (RA) said: "There are three whose du’aa is not rejected: a just ruler, the fasting person when he breaks his fast, and the prayer of the oppressed person…”
2. Make Du’aa Following Prescribed Prayers
After completing your obligatory prayers, take the opportunity to make du’aa. According to the hadeeth of Abu Umaamah, it was said: “O Messenger of Allaah, which du’aa is heard?” He said: “In the last third of the night, and following the prescribed prayers.” While scholars differ on whether this refers to after the salaam or before, both times are blessed and ideal for making du’aa.
3. Make Du’aa Between the Adhaan and the Iqaamah
The time between the adhaan and iqaamah is a moment when du’aa is highly likely to be accepted. The Prophet (PBUH) said: “A du’aa offered between the adhaan and iqaamah is not rejected.” Make it a habit to make heartfelt du’aa during this short but powerful window of time.
4. Make Du’aa While in Sajda (Prostration)
Sajda is the closest a person can be to their Lord, and it’s an ideal time for making du’aa. The Prophet (PBUH) said: “The closest that a person is to his Lord is when he is prostrating, so say a great deal of du’aa then.” When in Sajda, pour your heart out to Allah, knowing that you are in a position of utmost humility and closeness to Him.
5. Make Du’aa After the Sun Passes Its Zenith and Before Zuhr
It was narrated from ‘Abd-Allaah ibn al-Saa’ib (RA) that the Messenger of Allaah (PBUH) used to pray four rak’ahs after the sun had passed its zenith and before Zuhr. He said: “This is a time when the gates of heaven are opened, and I want a good deed of mine to ascend during this time.” This period is particularly blessed, so make your du’aa when the heavens are open and receptive.
6. Think Positively of Allah and Be Certain of a Response
When making du’aa, always approach with a heart full of certainty and positivity. The Prophet (PBUH) said: “Make du’aa to Allah when you are certain of a response.” Believing in Allah’s mercy and His power to answer your prayers is essential for your du’aa to be effective.
7. Be Focused When Making Du’aa
Distraction diminishes the impact of your du’aa. The Prophet (PBUH) emphasized this by saying: “Know that Allaah does not answer a du’aa from a distracted heart.” Focus your mind and heart entirely on Allah when making du’aa, ensuring that your supplication is sincere and heartfelt.
8. Praise Allah and Send Blessings Upon the Prophet Before Asking
Before asking for your needs, it’s essential to begin your du’aa by praising Allah and sending blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). A hadith narrates that a man once came to the Prophet (PBUH) and made du’aa saying, “O Allah, forgive me and have mercy on me.” The Prophet (PBUH) said, “You have been too hasty, O worshipper. When you have prayed and are sitting, praise Allah as He deserves to be praised, and send blessings upon me, then call upon Him.”
9. Face the Qiblah When Making Du’aa
It is recommended to face the Qiblah when making du’aa, as this was the practice of the Prophet (PBUH). During the Battle of Badr, the Prophet (PBUH) faced the Qiblah, stretched forth his hands, and made du’aa, demonstrating the significance of this practice.
10. Be Firm in Your Du’aa
When making du’aa, be firm in your requests and avoid conditional phrases like "if You wish." The Prophet (PBUH) said: “No one of you should say, ‘O Allaah, forgive me if You wish, O Allaah, have mercy on me if You wish’; he should be firm in his asking, for Allaah cannot be compelled.” This firmness reflects your confidence in Allah’s ability to answer your prayers.
The Day of Arafah is a unique opportunity for believers to have their du’aa answered. By following these ten tips, you
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,
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