Can We Pray for the Forgiveness of a Deceased Mushrik?

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My Name is Miss Maryam Sharif: "I'm from Ireland and a physical therapist by profession. I got a chance to accept Islam, Alhamdulillah, but my question is regarding my father. He never got the chance, and shirk is the biggest sin. I want to know if there is a specific du'a or something I can read in his name so that his sin can be forgiven."

Answer by Zakir Naik:- 

This was a question from a humble sister who, Alhamdulillah, has accepted Islam. She says, unfortunately, her father died as a mushrik. She asks, "Can I read any du'a or do anything in his name so that his sin can be forgiven?"

Sister, the Qur'an says in Surah An-Nisa, verse 48, and again in verse 116, that if Allah pleases, He may forgive any sin, but the sin of shirk He will never forgive because a person who has committed shirk has done the most heinous sin.

If a person committed shirk and, before dying, repented, Insha'Allah, Allah is forgiving. However, if he died as a mushrik, he is destined for Hell. There is no other option. This is clearly mentioned in the Qur'an.
When Prophet Ibrahim (AS) prayed for his father, who was a mushrik, a verse was revealed that when a person is alive, you can ask Allah to guide them to the straight path. You can pray, "Oh my Lord, guide my parents, my father, my mother, my brother, to the straight path." May Allah guide them.

But if they die as mushrik, and you know they died as mushrik, you cannot pray for their forgiveness. You can only pray for your descendants. Prophet Ibrahim (AS) made a du'a, "Oh my Lord, make my offspring those who submit their will to Allah." This is mentioned in Surah Ibrahim, verse 14, where Prophet Ibrahim (AS) prays that his descendants become Muslims who submit to Allah's will. Both of his children, Ismail (AS) and Ishaq (AS), were among those who submitted.

Disclaimer: This content is based on teachings and explanations provided by Dr. Zakir Naik. The views and interpretations shared reflect his understanding and are presented for educational purposes. They do not necessarily represent the views of the platform or publisher.

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