Beer E Shifa: The Miraculous Healing Well Near Madinah

Beer E Shifa: The Miraculous Healing Well Near Madinah
Saudi Arabia has numerous historical sites with immense religious significance for the followers of Islam. Beer e Shifa though underrated, carries great importance to Muslims. Locals believe that Beer e Shifa has water with healing properties; hence, it is also known as ‘Healing Well’.  The well has a miraculous tale attached to its healing properties relating to the times of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) in Madinah, that gives credibility to the well. It is located approximately 80 kilometers from the Madinah province in a village called ‘Alya’. Beer-e-Shifa history The history of the mysterious Beer-e-Shifa goes way back to around 1400 years. This well was initially dredged by the villagers of the area for their water consumption. The well was supposed to provide fresh underground water to the villagers and those passing through the village. Unfortunately, the water was unfit to drink as it was saline and bitter. Those villagers who consumed the water were affected by various types of illnesses…

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  1. Koshur