Muhammad bin Qasim: The Conqueror of Sindh

Muhammad bin Qasim: The Conqueror of Sindh
Muhammad bin Qasim, born around 695 CE in the Umayyad Caliphate, played a pivotal role in the early Islamic expansion into South Asia. His military campaigns, particularly the conquest of Sindh in 711 CE, marked a significant chapter in the history of the Indian subcontinent. Early Life Muhammad bin Qasim was born into the renowned Thaqafi tribe, known for its military prowess. His uncle, Hajjaj bin Yusuf, the governor of Iraq, recognized Muhammad's military potential and appointed him as an officer in the Umayyad army. It was under this familial influence that Muhammad bin Qasim's journey towards becoming a military commander began. The Conquest of Sindh In 711 CE, the governor of Sindh, Raja Dahir, faced internal unrest and external threats. Seeking assistance, he appealed to the Umayyad Caliphate. In response, Caliph Al-Walid I appointed Muhammad bin Qasim, then just 17 years old, to lead an expedition to stabilize the region. Muhammad bin Qasim's campaign in Sindh was marke…

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