How And When To Perform Tayammum

How And When To Perform Tayammum
Imagine you are in a situation in which you need to perform Wudu but you don’t have access to any water. Or you are calling in sick and you can't touch water with your bare hands. In these instances, you can perform  tayammum , an alternative to wudu, which does not require the use of water. Tayammum is the cleansing of the body before religious acts when there is no water available to perform wudu. Recognizing the Need for Tayammum  For Muslims, it is required to purify the body through washing before praying and performing salah, or handling and reading the Qur’an. Purification of the body and clothes before prayer is called taharah.  Usually water is required to cleanse one’s body before performing salah. This kind of washing ritual is called wudu, which requires that you clean your hands, forearms, face, head, and feet. There is a more intense cleansing called ghusl that is required after instances of “uncleanliness” (such as sexual intercourse, me…

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