The Story of Prophet Lut (PBUH)- The Corrupt City

The Story of Prophet Lut (PBUH)- The Corrupt City
Prophet Lut (“Prophet Lot”) was born and raised by his uncle Prophet Ibrahim, may peace be upon him. Prophet Lut loved, respected and believed in Ibrahim’s message even when everyone ridiculed him. Ibrahim, together with Lut, often travelled far, across land and sea, trying to invite and spread man to the fold of Islam. During Ibrahim’s and Lut’s migration to Palestine, they received the divine decree of Allah that Lut had been chosen as a Prophet and Messenger for the people of Sodom. Allah instructed the new Prophet to travel to the city of Sodom, located on the border of Jordan and Palestine, and summon the transgressors back to the worship of Allah. Sodom was a thriving city that was visited by many travellers, merchants and businessmen for trade. However, Sodom was also the most corrupt city with the highest criminal activity during that time. Travellers passing Sodom were often waylaid and robbed of their belongings, and sometimes were mercilessly murdered. But, the most notorious…

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